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With reference to the BRC Research Program 2018-2023, BRC opens for new project proposals to fill important knowledge gaps related to restoration of mining areas in tropical rainforest environments in the Amazon. The proposals must be submitted by one of the four academic BRC partner institutions (MPEG, UFRA, UFPA, UiO) and should include at least two BRC partner institutions. When appropriate, researchers from other institutions may also be collaborators in BRC projects.

Deadline for submission of proposals is:  21 October 2018.


The scope of the Research Program is outlined in the document BRC Research Program 2018-2023.  The prioritized research themes open for proposals during this call are:

• New techniques and technologies to restore areas that compose tailing dams, (compatible with the physical and chemical characteristics of the substrate, integrating soil restoration and biodiversity (fauna, fungi, microbiota, etc).

• Dispersal of wildlife due to mining activities.

• Re-colonisation of wildlife in replanted areas subjected to mining.

• Comprehensive inventory of the herbaceous stratum, epiphytes and / or fungi in forested areas surrounding the Paragominas mine.

• New biodiversity monitoring techniques, for example DNA metabarcoding. 

• Techniques for improving estimates of forest aboveground biomass and carbon stock to be applied in restoration areas.

• Effects of mining on hydrological resources (chemical, physical and biological).

All proposals should be sent to:

The BRC Secretariat, André Carvalho,

Please, check all the documents below in order to submit appropriately the proposal.

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